The only website test grader you'll ever need

Apr 11, 2023

Published by: Sean McCarthy
Website Test Idea Grader
Website Test Idea Grader

If you just want to see the test idea grader, here's the link. Feel free to make a copy and get to optimizing!

We all know that a user-friendly website is vital for success. Whether that success is a large number of conversions or leads generated or a deep usage of your content library—optimized websites always win.

And, when it comes to improving your website's performance, coming up with new test ideas should be on every marketer’s and entrepreneur’s mind. But without tracking mechanisms in place, tests can quickly become forgotten or get lost in the jumble of other ongoing projects.

That's why we developed the ultimate website testing idea grader— so you can compare and prioritize ideas confidently and track progress easily. Our template will allow you to quickly create an inventory of potentially successful experiments while keeping organized records along the way.

By using this tool, you'll better understand which test ideas have the highest chance for impact with the lowest amount of work to be done. Of course, some ideas are difficult to execute but still worth it if they have a large amount of potential.

What's included in the test idea grader

The test idea grader covers a range of factors that contribute to the overall quality of a website, from user experience to design and functionality. By carefully reviewing each element of the rubric, you can identify just how vital a test of your hypothesis may be.

And as you use the rubric over time, it will become an invaluable resource of ideas. This list will help you understand what you've tested in the past, what ideas you skipped (and why) and what happened when you did test something.

Here are a few of the scoring categories from the grader:

  • Are you addressing an issue with documented evidence (heatmaps, recordings, etc.)?

  • What is the ease of implementation? (Different scores based on expected work hours)

  • Is the thing you want to change above or below the fold on the average page?

  • Will you idea only apply to a specific landing page or an entire website section?

Download the full test idea grader to see all of the scoring categories.

Why you should grade your website testing ideas

When it comes to website testing, it's easy to get carried away with ideas and options. But how do you know which ideas are worth pursuing?

This is where grading your website testing ideas can make all the difference. By taking the time to evaluate each idea based on factors such as feasibility, impact, and alignment with your goals, you can ensure that you're focusing on test with great potential for conversion rate increase.

Not only will this save you time and resources, but it will also lead to better results and stronger overall website performance. So don't let your testing ideas run wild – take the time to grade them and set your website up for success.

Get started today by making a copy of our grading tool.

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